Shared Albums

Share Your Moments Together

Create and collaborate on shared photo albums. Perfect for weddings, trips, and special occasions.

How It Works

1. Create an Album

Create an album in the app and generate a shareable link.

2. Share and Upload

Share the link with others. Anyone with the link can upload images/videos to the album.

3. Download (Optional)

Anyone with the link can download images/videos in their original quality.


Easy Sharing

Share albums instantly with friends and family using links or QR codes.

No Login Required

Contributors can add photos without creating an account or logging in.

No App Download

Access and contribute to albums directly from your web browser. No app installation needed.

Original Quality

No quality compromises. Quality you upload is what is stored and shared.

Wide Format Support

Support for JPEG, PNG, SVG, WebP, AVIF, and GIF image formats. Support for MP4, MOV and WebM video formats.



Perfect for small events


  • Up to 5 albums
  • 250 photos per album (max 16 MB per photo)
  • 25 videos per album (max 512 MB per video)


Ideal for weddings and other


  • Up to 50 albums
  • 2000 photos per album (max 16 MB per photo)
  • 100 videos per album (max 512 MB per video)


For large organizations


  • Unlimited everything
  • Dedicated support
Contact Sales

Start Sharing Today

Join us and create beautiful shared albums.

Contact Us

Have questions or feedback? We'd love to hear from you!